Bond Credit Union Help Keep L5P Tidy
Thanks for Bond Credit Union for their donation this month to help clean-up L5p. Bond Credit Union was officially chartered in 1972 as a not-for-profit, member-owned financial institution. It had taken over two years of tenacity and a $2500 loan from the local Mennonite Church to convince NCUA (National Credit Union Administration, our federal regulatory agency) of its worth. BOND's first "office" was a humble kitchen in a neighbor’s home; our founders actually sold peaches in the streets of Atlanta to pay the first year’s dividends on members’ deposits. Though it took a few more years to progress, BOND Community FCU eventually developed well beyond its original purpose of providing neighborhood denizens with savings accounts and mortgages. They have been in L5P for nearly 50 years.
Georgia Works employees help to clean-up L5P.