Final Art

The final art and installation of four of the six traffic signal box project took place between Friday, June 26th and Monday June 29th. The process included clean up of the boxes, priming on Friday to be ready for the artists on Saturday. Over the weekend, the artists transformed graffiti covered eye sores into vibrant public works of art.

Thank you to the 10 volunteers who cleaned and primed the boxes! We could not have done it without your hard work.

Thank you to the 17 donors who love L5P! We are so close to our $1600 goal. Just $425 more to go. If you love the art, tax deductible donations can be made here:

Thank you to the Edgewood Lowes for donating $500 worth of paint to the project!

Thank you to City of Atlanta Neighborhood Arts Grant and Inman Park Neighborhood Association for helping make this project possible.

*****The final two boxes on Moreland Avenue are currently in the GDOT public art process. Stay tuned !