March L5PCID Update
A letter from the Little 5 Points Community Improvement District board chair, Anna Foote:
Little 5 Points is on the cusp of some exciting changes, and I want to make sure you are the first to know. Over the past several years, your CID Board has volunteered thousands of hours of their personal time to lead vital projects and lay the foundation for the improvements coming in L5P. So much has been bubbling below the surface, and now, in a very short period of time, this dedication will help deliver the greatest transformation L5P has seen in decades!
Creating better public space
Findley Plaza will get a much-needed revitalization and exciting new design thanks to Renew Atlanta Bond funds, Park Pride support, and significant fundraising efforts led by CID Board members and friends. The design is complete, and we are waiting on the City of Atlanta to award the contract for construction. We’re working closely with District 2 Council member Amir Farokhi (who is also on our CID board) to move the project efficiently through the city’s procurement process. While we do not have a final date yet for construction to begin, we expect to break ground summer 2019. The construction is expected to take 6 months to complete.
During this time, the CID is partnering with the Little 5 Points Alliance and their new Activation Committee focused on communicating timelines clearly with business owners as well as developing marketing ideas about businesses being open.
While managing the construction side of Findley Plaza, we are also working closely with the new City of Atlanta Parks Commissioner, John Dargle, to secure a Memorandum of Understanding about maintenance and security in the space for when it opens. We have reached out to both the Midtown and Downtown CIDs to learn more about their security plans and how L5P can model ours in a similar way.
Securing funding for projects
You may have heard that the City of Atlanta is expecting less funding than anticipated through their Renew Atlanta/TSPLOST program. This has had a direct impact on L5P. While we were able to advocate for and maintain the full amount of Renew Atlanta money originally set aside for the Findley Plaza construction, we will not be receiving the TSPLOST funds expected for a redesign of Euclid Avenue.
However, our CID board and executive director have been lobbying the city to obtain a portion of the TSPLOST funding, and the City has indicated that we may be able to use approximately $190,000 for planning ideas around Euclid Avenue. In addition, the CID is applying for continued funding through the Atlanta Regional Commission’s (ARC) supplemental grant program focused on mobility and placemaking. We will update you on next steps once we learn more.
Creating a better experience for customers
The L5P CID is eager to support property owners in creating a more active and pleasant outdoor environment that could increase the customer base. Currently, the City of Atlanta does not allow dining outdoors on sidewalks.
We have been collaborating with both the Midtown and Downtown CIDs to change this policy by drafting sidewalk dining legislation. We are working closely with Council member Farokhi as well as District 5 Council member Natalyn Archibong who will be the sponsors of the ordinance and will introduce it to the City of Atlanta.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are always open to L5PCID members and L5P commercial property owners and are generally held the 3rd Tuesday of the month, every other month. You are invited to join us any time, but contact our Executive Director, Lauren Welsh, to confirm dates and times since they do sometimes change.
Nothing good happens overnight, and nothing sustainable happens without a lot of planning, resource development, clarity of culture, and serious consideration of the long vision. The goal for all our efforts has been to preserve the charm, vibrancy, and allure of historical L5P while working to resolve seemingly intractable problems including security and failed infrastructure maintenance.
Thank you for your support, patience, engagement, and trust in the L5P CID Board during this time. Lauren Welsh is at your disposal if you want talk in greater detail about what we have been doing and what is coming. She can be reached at