Beautify L5P

Beautify L5P is the effort of The Little 5 Points Alliance to bring back the FUNK to L5P with ART by removing the TRASH!

The L5P Alliance has hired Georgia Works to pick up trash in L5P TWO TIMES A WEEK! Georgia Works! transforms chronically homeless men into self-sufficient and productive members of society. Georgia Works, a 501 c(3) nonprofit organization develops and implements cost-effective, comprehensive programs that meet the needs of a diverse population working to break the cycles of homelessness, addiction and criminal recidivism. Their program is proven to be effective in helping chronically homeless men, proven to be cost effective, and proven to improve our community. Stop and thank the men in blue Georgia Works shirts for beautifying L5P!

The beatification committee consisting of commercial property owners, L5P business owners, artists and Inman and Candler residents created “REMOVE STICKERS & ADD ART” project to address unsightly visual clutter and inject more of what Little 5 Points is known for- art, culture, a little bit of funk, creativity and being a unique destination that everyone loves!

Don’t worry we’re not going to remove all the grit, just make it artistically funky!


Little 5 Points Alliance