L5P CID Board
The Little 5 Points CID Board is made up of property owners in Little 5 Points as well as appointees from City Council President and the Mayor’s office. Individuals can also be designated by property owners to serve on the volunteer board.
Chair: Jeff Rader, Representative of Kriegshaber House, LLC, chair@L5PCID.com
Vice Chair: Susana Chavez, VP, Parking Company of America
Treasurer: David Smith, Pizza Verdura Sincera L5P, LLC
Secretary: Sean Germain, SA Germain Diner, LLC
Councilmember Amir Farokhi, District 2
John Izard, Jr., City Council President’s Appointee, Executive Director, Cushman Wakefield
Kelly Jordan, Representative of Pendergrast Building LLC
Craig Pendergrast, Representative of Point Center Partners, LLC
Scott Pendergrast, Representative of Little Five Points Partnership, LLLP
Thad Sheely, Representative of 351 Group, LLC
Lauren Welsh, Executive Director, lauren@l5pcid.com
Little Five Points City Business Improvement District (BID)
Under the Bylaws of the recently formed BID, its initial board members shall be the same persons as are members of the CID board, with additional BID board members subject to election. At this time, one additional person has been nominated for election to the BID board as follows:
Michelle Hollberg, Representative of Seminole Venture, LP